Business minded people will have a lots of marketing strategies for promoting their business. Small business as well as the business tycoons today have to go through some tactics that involves their contribution in the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Most of the audience can be found there for the business to reach to them.
Many have some or the other tricks or in their words let us call "Marketing Strategies". Some do it via the media or visual ads , some do it via newspapers, some maintain their standards by mouth publicity. Whatever way you choose the main intention is to bring the required amount of audience or customers for the products or the business to flourish.
How you sell is the most important thing in the business than what you sell to public. To become a selling king or queen in your business , you have to maintain some different , crazy , outstanding tricks. Because to please the public is the main trick or let me call it as the hidden trick involved.
Public is a mob that may like or not like your products. When they like your style of selling then they may think of buying your services or products.
You as a marketing person or a businessman must know what the audience wants, instead of wasting your precious time in just promoting a single type of product.
You have to act as a magnet that can attract the customers to your words to buy .
Sometimes I just feel that this is the old trick that earlier businessmen used to adopt. But now with the new technology, the new style of marketing your business is "Social Media" . There are lots of social media sites where you can find out millions of customers for your product or services.
In this blog , I have added a post that focuses on latest technique called "Deep Learning" Facebook is going to use for knowing the customers mind. Using this Facebook will understand the mindset of the Facebook users when they post on their Facebook wall.
While just going through my blog Facebook tips and tricks , I thought of highlighting some tricks for businessmen who do it the Facebook way means who want the users to change to customers for their business page or fan page.
When you have decided to get the valuable users from Facebook through Facebook page ( if you have created one for your business ) then let us discuss the important ways that will work for your business. There are some points that will highlight the Facebook Marketing Strategies for you.
- Search for your competitors first on Facebook : In this you have to find out if there is any similar names your competitors are using for their products to launch on Facebook page.
- Attractive Brand Name: Again you have to check whether the brand name is similar as theirs.
- Check for Vanity URLs: Before you launch your business name on Facebook, check whether the vanity url you want is available there. You can check this with the use of "Namevine".
- Perfect Timing: Timing is the most important point that you have to remember while posting or promoting on Facebook page . The audience will not be available for 24 hours on Facebook. So the correct time to promote is when they are online.
- Update Constantly : Your Facebook page needs daily posts to grow higher and higher to the targeted traffic.
- Encourage "Likes" : When any user "Likes" your post or product, then encourage them and offer them something exciting. This will make them return back to your page and that will create a mouth publicity or online publicity for your product.
- Don't first think of money: Money minded will always be only money minded. To gain money you have to gain the audience. So if at the first instance you have to gain audience's hearts, you have to gain their likes and comments . So sell them free of cost if possible.
- Create Events : Events can be created when there is some special occasion like festivals or birthdays or any other day that will bring them closer to your page.
- Use Hashtags : Yes, this is yet another trick that most advertisers or businessmen don't know. Like Twitter, Facebook has also started to use the hashtags "#" before any keyword so that if anybody wants to search for that particular keyword with hashtags then will reach your page .
- Facebook Plugins: If you have a website or blog about your business then you can use the plugins on it for encouraging others and building trust by showing them others likes on Facebook.
- Post upcoming events including webinars, conferences and other programs where you will be present.
- Facebook Graph Search: There is a search bar at the top of the page which is used for searching for people who like your products . The list will be displayed and you can directly invite them and share them your products.
- Use Insights : The Facebook fan page when it reaches 30 likes or so will display the graph or insights about the audience liking techniques.
- Safety and Privacy: Maintain some privacy standards so that nobody can violate with your business online. This may lower the standard of the brand name in the online market.
- Images and Videos: These play an important role when people want to buy any product. The logos, images that are displayed and videos will build the trust of your brand.
- Facebook Ads: To get displayed on others' Facebook Wall or News Feed, the ads should be displayed and for that you have to create professional ads for your product or service.
- Announce "Gifts" : In building traffic for your business , the attractive things that matter may be a small gift that will grab attention of the buyer and others will also get linked to it. So give away gifts.
According to the marketing gurus, those who have maintained some marketing strategies , may not have these points to implement . You may get lots of sites about Facebook Marketing techniques and tricks , but this post will help target your audience according to me.