Did you ever hear your friend saying that his or her Facebook account is banned? What must be the reason behind banning of anyone's account?
Even if it was not your account and your friend's account got banned, you still get affected by this act. Facebook being the topmost social networking site for being connected with your friends, you feel frustrated and want to be safe from next time. Time has come that you also get some information regarding the reasons of getting banned by Facebook.
Ban is a very negative word and avoiding negative things is mandatory in Facebook.
In simple terms, what is "Not Allowed" in Facebook should be avoided. There are many points to be considered which are stated in Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.
What important points should be considered for avoiding your account getting banned by Facebook :
- Too many friends who are unknown to you should not be added.
- Posting too much on your wall should be avoided. Limit your posts to 10 per day.
- Never post too much on "Groups"
- Over-posting in fan pages also should be avoided
- Never "poke" too many people
- Never join too many groups
- Promotional links should be posted in limited manner
- Never get involved in controversial topics and post your thoughts about them
- Avoid adult related topics and posts
- No violent messages or images
There are too many things that are unwanted and not allowed in Facebook.
Facebook is a clean platform to share things and thoughts to your friends. Make it simple and sweet. If you deviate yourself from the guidelines put forth by Facebook and act according to your rights, then that is not possible in Facebook.
So, know what is unwanted and illegal in Facebook and act as per the guidelines set forth. This is the simple "Facebook Trick" when thinking of avoiding the account getting banned.
Save your "Facebook account".