Saturday, 28 September 2013

Now your Facebook NewsFeed will display less ads

Want to remove those annoying and unwanted ads from Facebook News Feed? Now no more changing settings for ads and displaying of them as Facebook now understands which ads you may like or unlike. This change was introduced by Facebook stating that now Facebook will show less unwanted ads in News Feed. 

When we came to know that Facebook ads will have the image sizes changed, then it was thought at that time itself that whether Facebook users like any ads that are displayed on their News feed or not. Sometimes these ads are just unwanted and we don't like to see them . And we start thinking about how to remove these ads from Facebook.

Now instead of all these , Facebook made a new start related to Facebook Ads that which are unwanted ads those will not be shown . But make a note that advertisements will not be removed completely, but they will be reduced in numbers. Means if say 5 ads were displayed earlier, now they will reduce to 2 or 3 . Means it will display less unwanted ads. Facebook now understands about your likes and dislikes and keeps a close eye on what you may love to see on your News feed. This is also made possible by the Facebook Developers by introducing a Artificial Intelligence technique called as "Deep Learning"
Facebook is for all. Some use it for connecting with friends and dear ones but some want to make use of it for their business . So they create ads. 
But the latest update in Facebook says that as from now onwards, it will show less unwanted ads according to the taste of the user. Less unwanted ads , less irritation.

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