Tuesday, 25 February 2014

End of @facebook.com email service by March 2014 as per Facebook's latest updates

Less used email service of Facebook, @facebook.com will be closed by the social media in the month of March 2014. As stated in the latest news about Facebook, it is the end of @facebook.com. 

The email service was based on your public username. For example, if your user name is abc, then email sent to your accounts' email, i.e, abc@facebook.com would be seen in Facebook messages. But now as this service is coming to an end, an email sent to this address will be forwarded to your primary email. 

To know what is your email id in Facebook, check your Account Settings -> General -> Email.

You will get a clear idea of the same. 

This email service was launched by Facebook in 2010 for providing one place where users can send or receive email. But this feature was rarely used and updated. Moreover it caused problems and troubles. 

The main reason Facebook has decided to close this service is for non usage of users. People have not used this properly. So this decision will not make any difference for people. 

A Facebook spokesperson said: "Over the next few weeks we're notifying people who use their @facebook.com email that the feature is changing. When someone sends you an email to your @facebook.com then it will no longer go to your Messages on Facebook. Instead, the email will be forwarded to the primary email address on your account." 

Facebook lets to turn off this feature. 

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